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It has been a long time since the Five Nights at Freddy’s was released. This game contains violence, blood, and alcohol, so a player should consider it. You may need to check out our competition and see if it can fit your mind. Players also can ask for help when entering the game page.

Melodies: Redux Sreenshots

Melodies: Redux tells you an old story from the FNaF game. You get a new job from a restaurant. The remarkable thing about this place is it run by a machine. These robot puppets sing and serve customers.

FNaF fan games are not a strange thing to the player who likes horror games. If you want to survive, you need to read the story of this game carefully.

More than that, Melodies: Redux free download is now available. Players will have many times facing the machine that has been taken by demons. These robots will try anything to kill, hunt you down, or make you bleed.

FNaF download allows you to play on pc and with other gaming gear. Have fun and give feedback so this game could be more enjoyable. Thank you!


By: danoodle @danoodle