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Those Nights at Random’s Free Download is a game, and this game will allow you to fight monsters.

The moment when you step in the dark will also be the moment when you have to start your fight. All the monsters we have in this game will belong to fan-made games. Let’s see what more is inside this game!

Those Nights at Random’s:

In this game, you will be a security guy who works for R. Animatronics Co. This company is planning to build some machines that can replace humans and work for their restaurant. But the plan isn’t going on that way.

The machines have something wrong with their mind. And they start to attack people who come to the restaurant. The company has no choice but to shut this place down and let no one get inside it. For safety!

So what will you do, and what is your end in this game? We have no idea!

Fan games will send you more help and game instructions for your battle with demons!


by Random (TNaR Creator) @Random_Official