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Like the previous installment, in One Night with a Box 2 Gamejolt, you are a man who faps every day.

One Night with a Box 2 Free Download
One Night with a Box 2 Free Download


The gameplay of this version builds on the gameplay of the first game. Of course, the developer will bring you many new points in the gameplay.

The broken box and the broken white box will enter the office. To eliminate them, you have to give them a punch by clicking on them. Please pay attention when lowering the camera screen as Broken Golden Box may appear. He will disappear only when you bring the camera screen back.

However, the Toy boxes have a different mechanic. Using newspapers while they’re in the office is something you need to do. That’s because the newspaper raised the bar “TOO HOT FOR YOUTUBE”. Another way to increase the bar is to look at the camera 6. If you want to decrease it, press and hold the S key.

Alternatively, you may encounter a crowbar, taken from One Long A ** Pointless Night with Haunted F *** Crowbar. That may cause an error message box to appear in the camera. There is a download bar with two buttons that say “IDC :)” and “Cancel”. Their order is random. For the bar to end, if you click “IDC :)”, the crowbar kills you. The error will disappear if you click “Cancel”.


Dev: BubyGamer11 @BubyGamer11